Happy New Year from the National Motorcycle Museum!

We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. As we welcome in 2023, we are excited to announce some new exhibitions and events at the NMM.
This year, we will be showcasing a few new special exhibits on various iconic British motorcycle manufacturers as well as featuring some of the most iconic and influential British racing motorcycles of all time.
We are also very excited to announce the dates for our annual open weekend ‘Museum Live’, which will take place on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th October 2023.
As always, this is the time when everyone can visit us free of charge* and enjoy a host of exciting free attractions including HENRY COLE AND FRIEND’S live on stage.
In conjunction with Henry Cole, the NMM is delighted to announce that Henry & the crew are making ‘Museum LIVE’ the annual event for their stage show.
Also, throughout the year we will be hosting a number of ‘Ride a Classic Bike’ Days for friends of the Museum. So if you havent already signed up for annual membership or renewed, please contact the Museum shop ( who will be happy to help.
We can’t wait to see you all at the NMM in the new year. Thank you for your support and we look forward to another great year at the National Motorcycle Museum.
Cheers to a new year and new adventures on two wheels!!
*Car parking charges apply.
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