

So, as promised guys is an update on Sunday’s Quadrent Challenge, which didn’t quite go to plan!
So basically the full trip didn’t start as test rides at John O Groats showed an oil leak from one of the rocker boxes, which whilst patched up after the third attempt, there then appeared other leaks from, it seems, the push rod tunnels.
On talking to the bike’s builder – George Pooley, in the past the bike has been used around several British race tracks (and used hard) with no leaks at all, however, it was perhaps the lack of use during the pandemic that has created the issues, we are not 100% sure.
Anyway, undeterred the intrepid John Young drove home to Staffordshire from John O Groats with the bike in the back of the van, starting at around two in the morning so he could still ride the bike from his home to the National Motorcycle Museum, where some folk very kindly had still turned up to appreciate the efforts and have a look at what might have been back in the 1970’s!
The up side is that the bike is going to get repaired and John very much hopes to try again in around a month’s time.
We will of course keep you posted, so stay tuned to the NMM Instagram & Facebook pages – and thanks to everyone who popped by on Sunday and gave your time, love and support!!
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